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Spinach & Bacon Gnocchi

Wednesday 30 January 2013

I've got another Weight Watchers recipe for you today! I got this off the app, but when I came to make it, realised there were no instructions listed! It's since come off the app though so I think they realised their mistake. I improvised, anyway. And added more veg - the WW recipes on the app are so light on vegetables, which baffles me! They're no propoints, load up on them!

According to the app this makes 2 servings, which is what I've totted it up to below. However, I made this again last night with different cheese and split it into 3 servings - MORE than enough. So if it's 3 servings, it's a really low point dinner.

Spinach & Bacon Gnocchi


200g Fresh Gnocchi - 8PP
4 sprays Frylight – 0PP
125g bacon medallions - 4PP
125g gorgonzola - 10PP
8 tbsp semi skimmed milk (roughly) - 2PP
200g spinach – 0PP
Half an onion – 0PP
Package of shiitake mushrooms – 0PP (normal ones are fine too)
= 24PP (12PP per serving if 2, 8PP per serving if 3)

To reduce points - bulk out with more vegetables and use less Gnocchi, reduce the gorgonzola, reduce the bacon, use skimmed milk

1 - Boil the gnocchi as per the package instructions
2 - Chop the bacon into little pieces and then in a big frying pan or a wok (I seriously recommend using a wok), fry in Frylight until cooked
3 - Chuck in the mushrooms and onions (and any other veggies you fancy) until cooked
4 - In a small pan, heat up the milk with the gorgonzola (chop into little pieces so it melts faster)
5 - Put the spinach in the wok with the bacon and vegetables and steam with the lid on for 1 minute until it starts to wilt. It'll look like loads, but it reduces massively
6 - Throw the the cooked gnocchi in with the bacon and vegetables and mix together well
7 - Pour the gorgonzola sauce into the wok and mix together so it is all covered in the sauce and add any seasoning you fancy (garlic, oregano etc)
8 - Serve! YUM.


  1. Mmm, this sounds yum! I've never had any Gnocchi, I really need to try it! xx

  2. This sounds amazing especially the fact it involves gorgonzola!!!

  3. It sounds so yummy, wonder if would work okay with lactose free cheese though... might have to give it a try. I've only ever had gnocchi in restaurants xx
