Disqus for Where Are My Knees

Sunday Summary 77

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Another week gone already! Where is the time going? Christmas is just round the corner now - how are you all getting on with your Ten Week Pledges?

Team WAMK are currently looking for guest bloggers to contribute so if you want to tell us how you're getting on with the pledge or even if you just want to share your story then please drop us an email!

Lauren - I didn't get a chance to weigh-in this week as work and home have both been a bit manic. I'm pretty sure I regained what I had lost last week, and maybe more on top of that, after an indulgent few days in Canterbury and at my dad's. I'm back on the wagon now and have been tracking religiously for the last few days - I even worked out the ProPoints for the chocolate cake I made for my mum's birthday (13 ProPoints per slice, eeeeek). I've also been making a conscious effort to 'move more' during the day. I'm pretty sedentary at work so I've been making more of an effort to get up and move around instead of vegetating at my desk all day. I'm not saying a few more lengths of the office is going to make a huge difference at the scales, but it can't hurt right!?

Sarah - I want to give a big thank you to the beautiful Amy for her tweets following last weeks Sunday Summary, your tweets worked and kicked me up the ass I and I have managed to lose 2.5lbs this week.  I haven't followed any plan just made sure I have eaten under 1400 calories a day and allowed myself a little bit of freedom at the weekend.  

Gemma - Well, as predicted Manchester was a bit of a diet free three days but I wasn't expecting to go as far off the rails as I did. Went to a club that sold drinks for £1, drank a lot of those and then proceeded to eat cheese and chips. Cheese AND chips. I also had a killer hangover the next day and ate a huge bag of vegetable crisps and a wispa. I've had a very strict few days since I got back so hopefully there wont be too much of an impact on the scales on Tuesday. I don't think 10lbs in 10 weeks was too optimistic, I'm just being a terrible dieter at the moment. Can someone come and supervise me please and shout 'back away from the biscuits!' at me through a megaphone?

Rosie – After last week's no loss I've thankfully had a good week this week - I lost 2lbs which takes me down to 131 lbs and only 2 lbs away from my Ten Week Pledge goal weight! I wish I could say it was effortless but I’ve had to work really hard for these two; on Monday I ran 5k before work and then went to Aqua Aerobics in the evening and I’ve been running most mornings as well as walking the dog.  Next week I’m trying two new classes at the gym (Body Pump and Boot Camp) along with Spinning and Aqua Aerobics again and I’m really looking forward to it; just need to improve next week by keeping my hand out of the biscuit tin at work!

We've been really proud of those who've tweeted us or shared their blog posts about their own Ten Week Pledges and we can also now announce the winners of our Zaggora HotPants 2.0 Competition where you shared your pledges in the comments for a chance to win some of the lovely new HotPants.  We're pleased to announce that our two winners are Nikki and Laura - well done ladies! By coincidence, both of our winning ladies have also blogged about their ten week pledges and you can read their posts here and here.


  1. Well done girls. Who cares about bad weeks, just jump straight back in there again :). x

  2. You guys inspire me as I'm so terrible at sticking to healthy eating etc . Have been back to the gym and cycling again this week tho :-) xx

  3. Thank you so much ladies! I can't believe I won the hotpants. I cannot wait to get my butt moving in them. Do you want me to email you my address?

    I will post an update on my pledge soon. I'm just getting over a cold, so the weight I lost I've put back on and haven't been able to exercise :(. Once I am well I need to get my work out on and I can't wait to do it in the zaggora hotpants.

    I'd love to do a guest blog for you guys :)

    1. Hi Nikki

      If you could email us your details that would be great - none of your blog links seem to be working so I haven't been able to get on there to email you myself! If you could drop us a line (wherearemyknees@gmail.com) we'll get it all sorted.


    2. The links aren't working because I've bought the domain and it's taking a few days to sort out. It should just be www.theroadtolesscake.com soon. x

  4. well done on your losses girls! The build up to xmas and winter is always the hardest as everybody suddenly wants to be meeting up!

  5. Aww, I got a shoutout - how lovely! Keep going, everyone. I'm totally failing lately but picking myself up again. :)


  6. Really great effort done you here.You are example of millions girls.Great motivational idea for us.Thanks for sharing this healthy information!

