Disqus for Where Are My Knees

Sunday Summary #12

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Another week almost over, how has everyone got on?

Sarah - I have lost another 1lb this week but I have been feeling very demotivated at my last three losses, all a measly 1lb each week.  Yes, yes I know a loss is a loss etc etc but when you are sticking to plan 100% and now do more exercise in a day than you used to in a week it gets disheartening.  In fact this last week I have walked roughly 35 miles and still only 1lb :( I have decided that Slimming World online is just not working for me.  On Thursday I took action and went along to my very first class.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be to be honest and I am excited to see what the next week weeks brings.  I am still weighing in myself each Sunday for consistency but I will also get weighed every Thursday evening.  My running total is now 12lbs, that first stone is almost in reach, I can nearly taste the success!!

Gemma - I lost another 1lb this week and it's been a pretty good week for me. I've had a bit of a cold so I've been hungry and wanting nice things so I have shared my bank of 49 points out between each day rather than blowing them all on the weekend like I usually do. I've had nights in with a cup of tea this weekend for me so there hasn't been any temptation. Hope to see another 1- 1.5 lb loss this week. Been very busy in the kitchen trying out lots of things from my Weight Watcher magazine which is keeping my diet interesting.

Charlene - I haven't been able to weight myself yet but I'm not sure if I'll lose any weight anyway. I've done quite well with eating healthily this week, but I haven't done much exercise. I'm going to restart the 30 Day Shred tomorrow and hope that life doesn't get in the way this time! Did anyone complete it last time we started it? I'd love to hear from you if you did!

Lucy - I'm writing this on Saturday morning because I won't get a chance tomorrow I don't think because I'm heading to Manchester to see Take That tonight (SO EXCITED, I heard Gary Barlow is planning to propose to me). Anyway, this week has been another good week for me - constantly on the move, eating healthily and I discovered a new snack which I mentioned on Twitter during the week and hopefully I'll get a chance to post about it next week. However, I do seem to think that eating everything in sight is allowed on weekends and I need to learn that it isn't! I haven't weighed myself yet but fingers crossed it's a loss, even if it's only a little bit :)

Sarah V is in Italy this week so we hope she is eating her body weight in pasta, pesto and gellato! Life is too short to be good all the time :)

That's it from us for this week, how have you been finding your challenges?  If you're struggling to stay on track don't forget you can always tweet us instead of reaching for that pizza or chocolate bar :)


  1. I haven't completed the Shred but I've done 20 days so the end is almost in sight! :) I put on 0.4lbs this week tho, oops!

  2. Lucy cracks me up hahaha. G.B all the way eh Luce.

    A 1lb is better than no pound, I think I need to lose a fair few pounds, back on the shred for me tmrw xxx

  3. Sarah - well done on the loss, I know your disappointed with only 1 pound but a steady weight loss is better for you so keep it up

    Gemma - another pound off is great, well done! i hope you'll share some of your new recipes with us

    charlene - i hope you manage to get back on track. I know it can be hard after a bad week but it's the start of a new week so a perfect opportunity to get back on plan

    lucy - my diet always goes out the window at the weekend because i end up going out and drinking lots and then eating lots the next day when im hungover. but as of tomorrow im back on my plan 100% because ive been so bad recently

    sarah v - have a fab time in italy and enjoy the delicious food because that's what holiday's are all about

    Bow Dream Nation xx

  4. Well done everyone! I decided to stop going to Slimming World Meetings this week, as I've stopped doing the plan anyway. I hope calorie counting works for me! I lost a pound this week, weighing on on my own scales, so I'm not sure how different they are to the SW scales. Got a bit of a problem this week as on Wednesday it is a friends brthday bbq, need to figure out a way to handle it without blowing my progress!

  5. Well done everyone!

    I've done really well on the healthy eating front - I had loads of veg over the weekend and tried some lovely new recipes, and I drank loads of water.

    Exercise-wise things weren't so good - after last weekend's half-marathon triumph we 'just' did our usual 9.5 miles, but it was hot and sweaty and horrible and we were MEGA slow. Five minutes slower than my personal best slow. So that was a bit disheartening, but at least I ran 9.5 miles, however slowly!

  6. well done girls on your weight losses, remember slow and steady wins the race!

    I gained this week unfortunately, but i knew i would, but hoping to be back on track starting today!

    Gem - im intrigued as to what reciepes you have been trying, which month magazine is it?

    good luck for this week girlies

  7. Hit the -5lb mark this morning! Very excited, proud of myself, and I feel very motivated to eat well and work out! I'm excited for my first pilates/yoga class this evening :)

  8. @Sarah with Love & Hannah- I will post some recipes soon :) I madfe chicken with lemon honey and garlic eith potato wedges, pimms and strawberry jelly and a toad in the hole with mustard gravy mmm x
