Disqus for Where Are My Knees

Sunday Summary #20

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Happy Sunday all!

Sarah V - It was my birthday on Friday and as such, this week has been a bit of a write-off. I gained 2lbs on Tuesday and I'm not confident about this week's weigh-in! But I am a firm believer that dieting is about give and take, and if there's one occasion you should be able to do (and eat) what you want - it's your birthday! However, I'm feeling positive about getting back to it for good tomorrow, and after being back at Zumba for two weeks, am loving exercise again. This week, my mission is to eat healthily every day again, and try and walk to work every day too - instead of giving in to that extra 30 mins in bed!

Sarah - I've gained 1lb this week which I am actually okay with seeings as my little sister got married on Monday and we spent most of Sunday and Monday celebrating. I really did think it would be more especially seeings as it's also 'that' time of the month. My goals have now changed as I am now on the count down to my own wedding in less than 4 months and have been going walking for at least an hour every day. 25lbs in 16 weeks feels like such a challenge so I am counting on you guys to help me out!

Gemma - I lost 2lbs at my weigh in on Friday which I was very happy about. The wedding I attended yesterday was one of my main reasons for losing weight, I felt happy with the loss of 38.5 I have achieved and my next goal is a wedding in October and I want to be 50+ lbs in to my weight loss by then.
This weekend has been a total write off. I've had a cream tea, cooked breakfast, champagne and wedding buffet food. I haven't thought about my diet at all and it will be my birthday on Friday so I'm not sure that it will be a good week. I think one week off since February isn't bad at all!

Charlene -

Lucy - I've been quite good this week, as promised, although I'm still finding that I have a lack of motivation. I really do not know what's wrong with me. I'm headed to London today for three weeks for work experience and for the first fortnight I'll be living in student halls, there's an Asda just across the road and I'm planning on buying meals each night rather than stocking up with a load of stuff that'll probably just end up getting thrown away when I move out. I'm going to have to be ultra strict with myself and hopefully I will be...

How has your week been?


  1. Keep going girls, you are all doing such a great job!
    I'm still on the weight-loss wagon, trying to eat well and exercise!
    Seeing how well you are all doing is great motivation!

    Kathryn Xx

  2. my weeks been terrible due to a massive indian meal on wednesday and a bbq yesterday! but I've stayed even, not gained or lost, so it hasn't been all bad ^_^
    Rosie xo

  3. I used your BBQ tip from last week and had vodka and diet coke instead of my usual cider and rose. I really felt the difference with not feeling bloated etc, so thanks! x
