Disqus for Where Are My Knees

What I Ate Wednesday - Sarah

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Like Rosie I am currently not following any plan.  I am sticking to healthy foods with the occasional treat and making sure I eat breakfast, something I have always struggled with.  I haven't counted a single calorie, worked out any points or decided that any food group is banned.  I am trying to make it as balanced as I can by adding things like chia seeds to my breakfast to boost the protein and keep me fuller for longer.

This is the food I have eaten today and it's pretty representative of a standard day.


Overnight Oats with cherry yoghurt and fresh cherries

M&S Pesto Pasta Salad (I drain the oil from this as I find it too greasy otherwise)

Afternoon Snack

Pineapple chunks, this pack lasts two days


Chicken, spicy couscous & stir fry vegetables


Jelly Tots, my favourite!


3 large glasses of weak orange & pineapple squash
3 cups of tea

Do you think I am lacking anything in a standard day or even eating too much?  What would you add or substitute to make improvements?  I would love to hear any suggestions.


  1. It looks pretty balanced to me. And I love that breakfast. And the freakin' cute pot its in! :)

  2. I'd say that was pretty well balanced.

    I would eat the whole punnet of pineapple, though - because it's sweet and juicy and yummy when I get started :)

  3. I'd say it's pretty balanced, though I would try and drink some water too. It's something I'm working on myself!

    1. Unfortunately the only way I can drink water is in squash form but I do have it very diluted :)
