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Sunday Summary 64

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Hey guys, hope you've all been enjoying this beautiful weather!

Sarah - That horrible realisation that you've not only not lost what you had planned to for your holidays but you've actually gained half a stone BEFORE going. Having to don a bikini when you're feeling fat is not an easy thing. To top it off you've enjoyed yourself a little too much and that extra 7lbs has easily become an extra stone. I feel crap. All my best intentions have totally gone out of the window. But tomorrow is a new day, a new week & time for me to banish this bloated belly for good. Wish me luck, any tips gratefully received!

Gemma -I'm really struggling. I've not really lost anything all month due to a combination of partying, birthdays and trips away. I've gained, lost and regained a few lbs. It's my birthday this week and I have the whole week off work so I'm going to try and fit some exercise in a hope to maintain my weight. With my birthday out of the way I hope the rest of August will more successful. Feeling a little deflated :(

How has your week been?


  1. Good Luck both I'm sure you'll both get back on track you've done amazing so far. I've been trying to lose some weight over the past 4 months, I've lost 2 stone so far with some subtle changes to my diet and walking to and from work, but reading this blog really helps me. August soon and I feel it's going to be a good month :-) xx

  2. Eugh ive been ill this week so my intentions of walking to work have not happened AT ALL! Im hoping working to and from work may be enough to lose weight? Itll be a 40 minute journey twice a day and would throw in some toning exercises once home perhaps. I just find planned and regimented exercise so demotivating! xxxx

  3. Girls, as selfish as this may sound, I am relieved to know that I am not the only one feeling this way! I've been on and off for about three months now and am at least a stone heavier than I was in April! I feel totally disgusted with myself and completely deflated. Its good to hear that other people are having these struggles as well, hopefully we will all be able to overcome them together and get back on the right track! xxxxx

    1. It's really upset me and I'm finding it all tough. Why is it so hard to lose but easy to put back on?! WE CAN DO THIS LAUREN!!! xx

  4. Ahh ladies, it's ok...you too both seem pretty motivated to get back on :) Wish I had a gram of your motivation...have not been swimming since I got back from my hols (beginning of June) and I've just eaten what I want...currently avoiding the scales!

    allaboutthegirlblog.blogspot.com xx

  5. Its important to remember that life has these ups and downs and as much as you would like to be losing Gem the fact that you have maintained is better than gaining. Think how much you would have put on during the last month before you joined weightwatchers.

    Good luck with the next couple weeks hopefully once things calm down you can get back to losing again

    Sarah xxx

  6. My dancercise teacher is going on holiday in two weeks and has set us all a challenge to do our sit up routine everyday until SHE goes on holiday. It really helps when you meet up for class and finding out how many people are keeping up with the challenge. I totally recommend finding a sit up routine that you can do to a song, it takes 3 minutes out of your day and helps to at least tone what you've got and feel a bit more confident about your body shape!!

    If you want the routine I can try and explain it without confusing people too much!

    1. Sounds great Becca, how about doing a guest post for us? Email us at wherearemyknees@gmail.com :)

  7. Aww I feel a bit the same this week, I had lost about 6lbs a few weeks ago and was really pleased, but I had ear surgery last week and feel like I've put on loads of weight because I've not been in the gym and lying in bed all week.
    I haven't stood on the scales yet too scared.

    I'm sure you both look great I read the blog a lot and you have both done great since it started you must remember all the great work you have done before and can do again once you are back on track.

    I've tried the epsom salt bath before a night out before and find that really helps with bloating, as well as nettle and peppermint tea xx
