Monday 5 September 2011

Sunday Summary #25

Wow! Another week already!

Gemma- This week has been a bit of a disaster, I couldn't go to my weigh in this week because I had to work but I weighed at home and my trip to Torquay had caught up with me, I put about 3 lbs on. I have been very good with counting all my points this week and I think it will all come back off. I have work again this Friday which clashes with weigh in so I'm going to try and go to another class, I really find that my week goes so much better if I attend Weight Watchers. I've got a hen night and a wedding coming up soon so I better start dropping some serious lbs!

Charlene - It's been an okay week for me - better than last week at least. I hit absolute rock bottom this morning when it was pointed out to me that I actually have stretch marks on my hips. I swear they weren't there yesterday! Made me feel awful and gave me a bit of a kick up the bum as I do feel a bit chubbier around the tummy so starting tomorrow it's exercise, exercise, exercise all the way! Didn't bother weighing myself because I already feel like crap!

Sarah V - Dreadful week. I've been mega stressed at work, been away a lot and haven't had any time to exercise. Plus I've been eating my feelings. Not good. But had a fun weekend (not a healthy one) - which was the last trip away for a while so it's back on the weightloss kick as of tomorrow! Hopefully a string of quiet weekends means I can finally get back on the weightloss wagon again. :)

Sarah - I managed to lose 1.5lbs this week!! I also re-measured myself and since I started Slimming World in March I have managed to lose 5" off my hips - this makes me very happy!! I have been shredding and have also started using a vibro plate again. I know some people do not think that these things work but I know that they help me. I used on a few years ago for about a year and for the first time in years I was cellulite free so I am hoping for the same results this time. The salon I am going to also only charge £20 for a months unlimited use, bonus!

Lucy - another work and alcohol filled week, this is all that my life consists of at the minute! I haven't eaten particularly well though, my parents are away and you know when you just can't be bothered for a while? That's me, I'm going through a horrible stage and I need to snap out of it. I'm the one letting the team down here, aren't I?!

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