Sunday 28 August 2011

Sunday Summary #24

Hello guys, how has your week been?

Gemma- I have stayed the same this week, not sure how that happened as I have done pretty well. I hope the loss shows on the scales next week. I am currently in Torquay and I am going to have a cream tea and fish and chips because this is my only holiday of the year. Going to make up for it when I get home by being super strict and doing the shred. Hope you aren't struggling too much over the bank holiday weekend!

Sarah - I've been really struggling recently, gaining and losing the same couple of pounds so I have stepped up my game and challenged 3 of my twitter friends to a little competition to see if it can motivate us all. Me, Liz, Simonne & Nicola are all trying to lose 2lbs by next Thursday, I will update you to our progress next week!

Charlene - I completely fell off the wagon this week. It all started when I made some mini cheesecakes (which in all fairness I did most of them away!) and escalated into lots of free cake and pizza from work and not much exercise at all. I've just had a mammoth untagging session on Facebook to banish all photos of my double chin and chubby features from the weekend being linked to me so I'm not feeling too confident right now. Here's to a better week this week!

Sarah V - I only lost half a pound this week, but with the bank holiday, there have been various food-related events coming up! But I did an extra zumba class this week and have an extra one this week too so at least I'm exercising to counteract any naughtiness. And at the party I went to yesterday, although there was lots of yummy BBQ food, there was also a bouncy castle, so I'm hoping I jumped the calories away!

Lucy - Quite proud of myself this week, not sure if I've lost any weight but it's my first week back at work and thus far have resisted to eat McDonald's on my break and haven't actually wanted to eat it! Australia is getting scarily close and I think my main aim now is just to try and be sensible before I go and perhaps try and lose a couple of pounds.


  1. gemma ~ if you were mostly on track i bet the loss will catch up to you by next week!

    sarah ~ i have been a bit up and down recently too, i think a bit of healthy competition will do the trick :-)

    charlene ~ sending lots of hugs. onwards and downwards. we all have a terrible week now and again (Trust me, I have been there) but hopefully this week will be better!

    sarah ~ a loss is a loss is a loss!

    lucy ~ oh work time temptations are so hard to resist, well done!


  2. Oh! I Love your blog!

    Follow me if you like my blog and let me know it!
    I'll follow you back. :)

  3. good luck with this! i myself gained quite a bit of weight from holiday, oops :s

    Vintage Stop at
