Monday 22 August 2011

Sunday Summary #23

Happy Sunday! How's your week been?

Sarah V - I lost 3lbs this week, which I'm really pleased with! Slowly but surely I'm returning to my pre-summer weight. I'm determined to lose again in my next weigh-in, so have been walking to work and trying not to be too bad. Although a summer of bad habits has meant my resolve has slipped somewhat, but I'm getting there.

Gemma - I lost 2.5 lbs this week, much better! After two weeks of staying the same because of various birthdays and weddings I was really happy with my good loss. This week I have been trying some new recipes too keep me interested and motivated and I'm hoping for another 2-3 lb loss this week. I'm going to Torquay next weekend which I'm little worried about but if I have two bad days I will just try and be extra good the rest of the week. I am now -41 lbs and I want to be -50lbs by the 5th of October for a friends wedding.

Sarah - I've spent this weekend in Brixham visiting some of the boyfs family so no Sunday weigh in for me this week.  After putting on 1lb at my class weigh in two Thursdays ago I am happy to report that I had lost 2lbs this Thursday... let's hope I haven't spoilt it all in one little weekend!

Lucy - Sorry for my lack of Sunday Summary last week, I had a traumatic day - I got stuck in a lift for two hours and then had to get a taxi to York instead of the train because I was going to see Olly Murs. I then had the Monday off work and traveled back down to London and yeah, I'm sure you get the issue! Anyway. I go to Australia in exactly 42 days and I'm still at square one. We've been doing this blog for twenty three weeks now and I am pretty much in the same place I started. I have no idea what my issue is. It's never too late to start again, is it...?

Charlene - No weight loss this week but I might have indulged in all the free cakes and doughnuts at work a little bit too much. And err, a chinese takeaway. Not good! Lots of fruit in the kitchen though for healthy snacking and I'm going to go at least 3 runs this week aswell as doing some arm weights and crunches.


  1. keep going girlsss xxx

  2. -41 - WOW! Cannot wait for the day when I get there. As of right now I am dreading my next weigh in with my leader - currently on holiday and have a fear that I've already undone the last 9lbs that I'd lost, plus I have another week to go before I'm home and back eating in the house instead of out 3 times a day :/
    Much Love
    Roisin Elizabeth
